Cette technique de montage consiste à assembler la tige (le dessus de la chaussure) à la première de montage par l’intermédiaire d’un cousu nommé norvégien. Ce cousu visible et reconnaissable grâce à un point en forme de triangle, est réalisé à la main dans nos ateliers. Un fil de lin particulièrement résistant est imbibé de poix chaude pour garantir l’étanchéité de la chaussure. La semelle d’usure est ensuite cousue à la tige par la couture petits points.
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The peculiarities of the J.M. Weston models mean that each of them wears different shoes. In order to satisfy your purchase, we suggest that you carry out your measurement prose at home.

To find out your J.M. Weston size, you'll need an A4 sheet of paper, a pencil and a ruler. Also make sure you're wearing a pair of socks that you're likely to match with your J.M. Weston shoes.

Position your feet on a sheet of paper and trace their outlines, using a standard wooden pencil (8mm thick) held perpendicular. this way you will get, for each foot, the maximum length and the largest width.

Measure in millimeters, using a ruler; the length (toe-heel) and width (side line) of each of your feet.
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